
The Juno API gives you access to many of the things you can access from our platform.

This documentation describes all of the available API calls and properties of the returned objects. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]

Getting started

Api url

The Juno Api has its own domain which is different from the Juno App.

Juno Api prod base url :

For testing purpose, you need to change the base url to :

Get credentials informations

You can obtain your credentials information by emailing [email protected]

<aside> ⚠️ Anyone with your credential information can use the Juno API as you. If it is compromised, please send an email and it can be deactivated or changed.


API Reference


Postman collections to download

You can use the following link to test the Juno api in your postman client:

Juno Api v1 customers.postman_collection.json

You can also get the postman environment that is necessary to test the collection :

See how to import api collections in postman official documentation: